Volume 3 Number 1 – March 2005

Gian Carlo Delgado-Ramos and John Saxe-Fernánde
The World Bank and the Privatization of Public Education: A Mexican Perspective

Angela C. de Siqueira
The regulation of education through the WTO/GATS1

Faith Agostinone-Wilson
Fair and Balanced to Death: Confronting the Cult of Neutrality In the Teacher Education Classroom

Henry Maitles and Isabel Gilchrist
‘We’re citizens now’!: the development of positive values through a democratic approach to learning.

Brad Porfilio and Julia Hall
“Power City” Politics & the Building of a Corporate School

Stefan Thorpenberg
University Policy and Ideological Shift – On Reversed Reification and Norm System Changes

Rich Gibson
The Search for What Should Be, Within What Is, For Critical Educators

Helen Raduntz
Constructing a Critical Democratic Education: Is it possible?
A critical review essay of ‘Philosophical Scaffolding for the Construction of Critical Democratic Education’ By Richard A. Brosio, Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York 2000, 365 pages ISBN 0-8204-3939-8

David Gabbard
Invitational Insurrection: The Pedagogy and Politics of Richard Brosio’s Philosophical Scaffolding for the Construction of Critical Democratic Education
(Peter Lang Publishing, New York, 2000) 365 pages, ISBN 0-8204-3939-8

Sheila L. Macrine
Reenchanting the Project of Critical Social Theory: Troubling Postmodernism
A critical essay review of Marxism Against Postmodernism in Educational Theory edited by Dave Hill, Peter McLaren, Mike and Glenn Rikowski. (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2002. ISBN0-7391-0345-8)

Volume 2 Number 2 – September 2004

Richard Brosio
Civil Society: Concepts and Critique, From a Radical Democratic Perspective

Pierrick Devidal
Trading Away Human Rights? The GATS and the Right to Education: a legal perspective

Tristan McCowan
Tooley’s Seven Virtues and the Profit Incentive in Higher Education

Eric Haas
The news media and the Heritage Foundation: Promoting education advocacy at the expense of authority

Andrea Beckmann & Charlie Cooper
‘Globalisation’, the New Managerialism and Education: Rethinking the Purpose of Education in Britain

Jill Pinkney Pastrana & Guillermo Williamson C. & Patricia Gómez R.
Learning from Mapuche Communities: Intercultural Education, and Participation in the Ninth Region of Chile

Álvaro Moreira Hypolito
Teachers’ Work and Professionalization: The promised land or dream denied?

Jim McKernan
George Bernard Shaw, the Fabian Society, and Reconstructionist Education Policy: the London School of Economics and Political Science

Christopher G. Robbins
Racism and the Authority of Neoliberalism: A Review of Three New Books on the Persistence of Racial Inequality in a Color-blind Era

Volume 2 Number 1 – March 2004

Pauline Lipman
Education Accountability and Repression of Democracy Post-9/11

Kathleen Kesson
Inhuman Powers and Terrible Things:
The Theory and Practice of Alienated Labor in Urban Schools

David A. Gabbard
A Nation at Risk – Reloaded: part II

Ramin Farahmandpur
ESSAY REVIEW: A Marxist Critique of Michael Apple’s Neo-Marxist Approach to Educational Reform [1]

Roberto Leher
A New Lord of Education?
World Bank Policy for Peripheral Capitalism [1]

Dennis Beach
The Public Costs of the Re-structuring of Adult Education:
A Case in Point from Sweden

Bill Templer
High-Stakes Testing at High Fees: Notes and Queries on the International English Proficiency Assessment Market

Dawn Penney
Policy tensions being played out in practice. The Specialist Schools initiative in England.

Volume 1 Number 2 – October 2003

Richard Brosio
High-Stakes Tests: Reasons To Strive For Better Marx

David Hursh
Camille Anne Martina
Neoliberalism and schooling in the U.S.
How state and federal government education policies perpetuate inequality

David A. Gabbard
A Nation At Risk – Reloaded: Part I

Curry Malott
Joseph Carroll-Miranda
Punkore Scenes as Revolutionary Street Pedagogy

Grant Banfield
Getting Real About Class: Towards an Emergent Marxist Education

Juha Suoranta
The World Divided in Two: Digital Divide, Information and Communication Technologies, and the ‘Youth Question’

Anita Trnavcevic
Marketization of Public Basic Education in Slovenia: Policy and Quality Discussion

Volume 1 Number 1 – March 2003

Dave Hill
Global Neo-Liberalism, the Deformation of Education and Resistance

Glenn Rikowski
Schools and the GATS Enigma

Simon Boxley
Performativity and Capital in Schools

Jane Mulderrig
Consuming education: a critical discourse analysis of social actors in New Labour’s education policy

Tristan McCowan
Participation and Education in the Landless People’s Movement of Brazil

Georgios Grollios
Ioannis Kaskaris
From socialist – democratic to “Third Way” politics and rhetoric in Greek education (1997 – 2002)

Joel Kivirauma
Risto Rinne
Piia Seppänen
Neo-liberal education policy approaching the Finnish shoreline?